
A chemistry major with a passion for research and development, Henry “Parker” Higley, graduated from the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Parker was sought after by several laboratories and became well known throughout the United States. He enjoyed much success as a consultant, developing formulas and products for a variety of companies. This experience led him to start his own business in Dubuque, Iowa in May of 1923, known today as Higley Inc.

One of his early formulas was developed to clean the United States Navy ships when they returned to port during World War II. Though the government pressed Parker to exclusively develop more products for them, as a businessman, he knew the war would come to an end, and he was concerned for the livelihood of his employees.

During the Depression, he became committed to developing solutions for schools, the city, and the state due to the growth potential. Parker believed in surrounding himself with the best people. His first six salespeople worked at Higley for an average of 35 years, covering territory in Kansas City, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Iowa, with a focus on selling finishes and sealers for wood, tile, and terrazzo floors.

Parker’s operating philosophy centered on one concept: QUALITY. If it wasn’t perfect, he would not sell it. His formulas were more concentrated than most of his competitors, and customers loved using these superior products. During his time as a chemist and entrepreneur, Parker developed well over 1,000 formulas.

Today, we maintain Parker’s commitment to quality and our core values of Faith, Family, Well-being of our Team Members, Embodying “Find a Way,” Striving for Excellence in Contract Manufacturing, Excellent and Personal Service, and Generosity. We have transitioned to focus exclusively on contract packaging and private packaging. Our history of formula development and real-world application experience allows us to better serve the brands we produce for.

Our Dyersville manufacturing facility is equipped to handle a wide array of products, ensuring the highest standards of quality and efficiency. By maintaining our core values and harnessing our expertise, we continue to deliver exceptional contract manufacturing solutions, empowering brands to succeed in their respective markets.